FREE programs for creatives, local leaders & regional communities
Jumpleads has a FEAST on offer in the first half of 2024, with lots of practical & supportive initiatives for you to progress ideas, take of yourself & others & grow your community impact
All delivered by Jumpleads, Make A Change & Pop Up Art & the generous support of partners, who understand the value of participation & contribution
Check out what's on...
Inspiring Local Leadership: Access resources & attend workshops to develop your projects & ideas. For people in Yarriambiack, Loddon, Norther Grampians & Pyrenees Shires
Talking about BIG weather: Join conversations, local gatherings & workshops in Loddon, Campaspe & Central Goldfields Shires. Learn more about, or develop solutions to the impacts of extreme weather
Supercharging community energy: Take part in this online initiative that challenges you to think a little differently & grow local COMMUNITY ENERGY & SUSTAINABILITY solutions
Climate conversations: Share your experiences of weather impacts. For residents, businesses & community groups in Gannawarra Shire to exchange stories, wisdom & information
Boosting creative careers: For Councils & Arts organisations to support artists & grow your region’s creative sector. Become a partner in our next ArtsACTION program
Jumpleads NFP is a social enterprise that “jump-starts” arts & community initiatives With a mission to change cultures & invigorate communities for a better future